Tech­ni­cal in­for­ma­tio­n

The soft­ware can be used on smart­pho­nes and/or ta­blets with An­dro­id or iOS ope­ra­ting sys­tems. For the pa­ti­ent, re­cording of the in­ta­ke vi­deo re­qui­res An­dro­id 5.0 or IOS 12 or ne­w­er ver­si­ons. The physician re­qui­res An­dro­id 5.0 or iOS 12 or ne­w­er ver­si­ons.


All da­ta are exclusively ex­chan­ged via ser­vers with block­chain tech­no­lo­gy and AES-256 en­cryp­ti­on in or­der to en­su­re a se­cu­re and ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on-free da­ta con­nec­tion bet­ween physician and pa­ti­ent. The pa­ti­ent da­ta can on­ly be viewed by the at­ten­ding phy­si­ci­an. Ru­ma ne­ver has any ac­cess to the sub­mit­ted da­ta. 

The block­chain ser­vers are pro­vi­ded by the com­pany­work. They must be ac­ti­ve for using Ru­ma Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem (Pro).

All tran­sac­tions are pre-sor­ted by a “Smart Agent” be­fo­re rea­ching the block­chain ser­vers. The Smart Agent is a ser­ver that per­forms a va­li­di­ty check for all tran­sac­tion que­ries be­fo­re they are writ­ten in­to the block­chain.


Beyond this, the Ru­ma web­site must be ac­ti­ve sin­ce so­me da­ta re­quests will for­ward from Ru­ma Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem (Pro) to the Ru­ma web­site.


Up­dates and new ver­si­ons can be ob­tai­ned via the app stores. If you have ac­ti­va­ted au­to­ma­tic up­dates in your sys­tem set­tings up­dates will be in­stal­led au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly. If up­dates are not in­stal­led au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly you will be in­for­med via the app about new ver­si­ons that you can in­stall ma­nu­al­ly by down­loading from the re­spec­ti­ve app store.

Using the app Ru­ma Di­gi­tal-Sys­tem Pro with a smart­pho­ne is not re­com­men­ded and not sup­por­ted.